The following is some basic information on the Premier Sicilian Language and Culture Society in the USA.



ARBA SICULA is the official journal of the Sicilian- 
American organization by the same name whose 
principal objective is to preserve, study, and promote 
the language and culture of Sicily. 
ARBA SICULA is normally published twice a year, 
in the Spring and in the Fall. To communicate with 
the Editor, to submit materials for publication, to 
subscribe and to get information on our organization, 
write to: Gaetano Cipolla, Modern Foreign 
Languages and Classical Studies, St. John's University, 
8000 Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, NY 11439. The 
materials received will not be returned unless 
accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.
ARBA SICULA è l'organu ufficiali dâ societâ 
siculu-americana dû stissu nomi ca si proponi comu 
obbiettivu principali di prisirvari, studiari,e 
promoviri a lingua e a cultura siciliani. 
ARBA SICULA è normalmenti pubblicata duivoti 
l’annu, ntâ primavera e nta l’autunnu. Pi comunicari 
direttamenti cû diritturi, pi mannari materiali pâ rivista, 
pi l’abbunamenti e pi informazioni supra a nostra 
società, scriviti a GaetanoCipolla, Modern Foreign 
Languages and Classical Studies, St. John's University, 
8000 Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, NY 11439. I materiali 
ricevuti non sisretituisciunu si nun simanna puru na 
bustaffrancata cû nomu e indirizzu. 



Those who subscribe to the journal, automatically
become members of Arba Sicula. Annual dues entitle
the members to two issues of Arba Sicula (or one if
a double issue) and two of Sicilia Parra. Arba Sicula
is a Non-Profit Organization.
Subscription outside USA: $25.00
Regular Subscription: $25.00
Seniors and Students: $20.00
Cu si abbona a la rivista, diventa automaticamenti
sociu di Arba Sicula. Cu n’abbunamentu annuali I
soci ricivunu du nummira di Arba Sicula (unu, si
pubblicamu un numiru doppiu) e dui di Sicilia Parra.
Arba Sicula è na organizzazioni senza scopu di lucru.
Abbunamenti fora dî Stati Uniti: $25.00
Abbunamentu regolari: $25.00
Anziani e studenti: $20.00
If you ask for additional information, or join ARBA SICULA, please tell Gaetano that you obtained the initial information from me at this Web Site! Tanti grazie!

The following is a brief excerpt from the Autumn of 1995 edition of


"Proverbs of Antonio Veneziano" "Proverbi dû pueta Antonio Veneziano"

Born in 1543, Antonio Veneziano had begun to prepare himself for a religious career, but shortly before he became a priest, he abandoned the Company of Jesus. He led an adventurous live. He was a politician, and an artist, a theologian and a philosopher, a poet and a lawyer. While on his way to Spain, his trireme was captured by Algerian pirates and he was taken prisoner to Algiers where he shared a cell with Cervantes, the great Spanish writer. Veneziano was a brilliant man, attractive and well mannered and he was considered the prince of Sicilian poetry of the 1500s. He wrote essays, love poems, epigrams, and social satires. He was put into prison by the Viceroy Albadalista for having written a very salacious epigraph against him. It seems that Veneziano died in 1593 when the gun powder storage in the castle where he was being held exploded. Referring to the poetry collection entitled Celia , Cervantes said that Veneziano had earned the keys to Paradise.. What follows is a brief excerpt from ARBA SICULA.

Sicilian Books Available

20% Discount to ARBA SICULA Members




Gaetano Cipolla What Makes a Sicilian?
Discount on "Large Orders"
Giovanni Meli Moral Fables and Other Poems, Sicilian/English 
Intro. and Translation by Gaetano Cipolla
Nino Provenzano Vinissi/I'd Love to Come, Sicilian/English $16.00
Henry Barbera Medieval Sicily, English $10.00
* The Poetry of Nino Martoglio, Sicilian/English 
Intro. and Translation by Gaetano Cipolla, 304 pages
Giuseppe Quatriglio A Thousand Years in Sicily: from the Arabs to the Bourbons
Translated into English by J. Vitiello, 228 pages.
Calogero Messina Sicilians wanted the Inquisition, 96 pages $12.00
Vincenzo Ancona Malidittu la lingua/Damned Language , Sicilian/English 
Translation by Gaetano Cipolla, With audio tapes in Sicilian!
Giovanni Meli Don Chisciotti and Sanciu Panza, Sicilian/English 
Intro., Notes and Translation by Gaetano Cipolla
S. Salomone Marino Customs and Habits of the Sicilian Peasants, English 
Translation by Rosalie Norris. (only a few left!)
Gaetano Cipolla What Italy Has Given to the World (extra discount for large orders) $2.00
Connie Mandracchia DeCaro Sicily: The Trampled Paradise, Revisited, (English) 138 pages $12.00
Onat Claypole Sicilian Erotica, (Sicilian/English) 196 pages $20.00
Luigi Bonaffini Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Trilingual) 512 pages 
Includes section on Sicily.
Giose Rimanelli Moliseide & Other Poems, trans. By L. Bonaffini, (Trilingual) 210 pages  $20.00
John Navone The Land and Spirt of Italy, 224 pages $16.00

New York State Residents must add 8.25% Sales Tax.
Postage and Handling: $2.50
Deduct 20% from book prices ONLY. Discount only applies to members of ARBA SICULA

Make your checks payable to LEGAS and send to:
P. O. Box 040328
Brooklyn, NY 11204

ALWAYS go to the OFFICIAL " ARBA SICULA " webpage BEFORE ordering to get current information on all publications, etc.
 Please tell Gaetano that I sent you!

This page was last updated: June 30, 2003

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