If you are/were a customer on my route, I will try and provide you with "local information" that may be of assistance to you. REMEMBER ... This is NOT an Official page of the USPS, and I cannot conduct ANY Official Business via this page. That said, any "Unofficial" communications you may have, may be sent to my E-Mail address below.
I had hoped to have photos of all the dogs on my route available on this page. Any of my former customers who wish to have a photo of their dog online, let me know and provide me with an appropriate photograph! To anyone not on my route, virtually ALL the dogs on my route are "friendly" to me BUT don't take them for granted if you are a potential "burglar"!!!
If you currently reside on my old route, and you have a personal or business webpage, email me and I will add a link from this page!
This page was last updated: December 10, 2004
© December, 1996. All Rights Reserved -- permission is given to copy information contained on these pages, as long as appropriate recognition and notice is given to the author and webmaster . Copying of any "graphics" contained on these pages is prohibited unless agreed to in writing by the author (except for link purposes). This page was originally produced using Netscape Gold Version 3.0, and is best viewed with Netscape Version 3.0 or better, at a resolution of 800x600! Some of these pages require the use of a "browser" that will display "tables"!